Kino Pleme / Live Soundtrack

Built with

  1. Heating Plant (2012)

    Super8mm, analog editing, no post-production

    This short film shifts between the observation of life in a favela-like dump (located on the site where an old railway passed through) where regular (film) time stands still, and the story of an unseen protagonist which takes place in the vortex of accelerated "film dump". He uses this ghost-train ride to reach the hidden zone of the Heating Plant, and throw his lucky coin to the bottom of a wishing well.

    Lyrical ode to the eco-migrants and magical realism in literature.

    Film was made during the Labor Berlin workshop, sponsored by Goethe Institute in Belgrade. Edited with splicers and adhesive tape, using two 50ft cartridges of Ektachrome 100D.

    Screenings :

    CZKD Bioskop, Super 8 intimni rituali
    , 2015, Belgrade

    Predstavljanje radionice super 8 filma, CZKD, 2012. Belgrade